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Sacred Sparks 23-24

Below are the descriptions for all Sacred Sparks sessions for 2023-2024. Please select as many sessions as you would like to attend. All sessions are at Temple Rodef Shalom at 7:00 PM.

Questions: Cantor Allen Leider,

Sacred Sparks: Preparing for Yom Kippur – Sin, Repentance, and Self-Reflection 
Wednesday, September 20
Let’s gather between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur as we explore and discuss the themes of sin and repentance in relation to our own lives. Join us monthly for text study and an exploration of Jewish topics and how they connect personally. 

Sacred Sparks: Shema and Oneness
Wednesday, October 18
In this month’s session, we’ll explore the meaning behind the Shema. Why is this prayer so central to our worship service and to Jewish communal and personal identity? 
Join us monthly for text study and an exploration of Jewish topics and how they connect personally.

Sacred Sparks: Chanukah and Light
Wednesday, November 29
How do we best approach Chanukah to find personal meaning in this minor Jewish holiday? Why was there controversy around how to light the menorah? What are some contemporary approaches? How might the metaphor of light add meaning and understanding? Join us for text study and discussion!

Sacred Sparks: Cultivating Gratitude
Wednesday, December 20
As we approach the end of our secular year, let’s explore ways in which we might deepen our sense of gratitude in daily life. Join us monthly for text study and an exploration of Jewish topics and how they connect personally.

Sacred Sparks: Creation and Being a Co-Creator
Wednesday, January 17
What does Judaism teach about Creation and our responsibility in maintaining it? Come join the text study and discussion!

Sacred Sparks: Connecting with the Angels
Wednesday, February 21
Really? Angels in Judaism? Let’s explore the Jewish take on angels and how they might have a presence in our lives? Join us monthly for text study and discussion.

Sacred Sparks: Pursuing Peace and Seeking Wholeness   
Wednesday, March 20

We are Rodef Shalom – Pursuers of Peace! But what does that really mean according to Judaism? What does it mean to live with a sense of peace and wholeness? Join us for text study and group discussion.

Sacred Sparks: Freedom from What? Exploring the meaning of “Mitzrayim”
Wednesday, April 17
As we approach the holiday of Passover, join us for an exploration and discussion on the theme of freedom. What makes us free? Where are we not free? Where might we want to draw attention at our Passover seders to those who are not free? 

Sacred Sparks: Seeking Shabbat
Wednesday, May 22
Why is Shabbat considered the most important holiday in Judaism? How can we come to understand the meaning of Shabbat in a deeper and more personal way? How can we bring a little Shabbat meaning into our lives without it being an “all or nothing” approach? Join us for study and discussion.

Please fill out your email address for confirmation of your registration.

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Wed, May 8 2024 30 Nisan 5784