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Program Guide
Tu BiShvat Seder and Potluck Vegetarian Dinner
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Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
In Ancient times, Tu BiShvat marked the beginning of the agricultural cycle, hence it became known as the Birthday of the Trees. In the Middle Ages, the Kabbalists assigned the fruits of Israel symbolic meanings, creating Tu BiShvat seders. In modern times, Tu BiShvat has become an opportunity to reaffirm the Jewish commitment to cherish and protect our beautiful world.
Join our clergy and members of the TRS Sustainability Initiative and the Social Justice Committee's Climate Action Corps for a Tu BiShvat Seder, followed by a festive vegetarian potluck. The event is geared toward adults, but kids are welcome to attend.
Age 20s & 30s? Join the Rodef 2100 (20s and 30s) table! Please register to let us know to look for you!
First Name
Last Name
Email for confirmation
Please fill out your email address for confirmation of your registration.
Please select what you will be bringing to share.
Please Choose One
Appetizer - 13 of 15 Left
Entrée - 14 of 16 Left
Side Dish - 21 of 25 Left
Bread - 11 of 16 Left
Dessert - 7 of 16 Left
Please tell us what you would like to bring to share. Please bring a vegetarian, nut-free dish to share with 10-12 people please.
Would you like to register anyone else?
Yes-1 additional
Yes-2 additional
Yes-3 additional
Yes-4 additional
If yes please select how many more people you would like to register.
Additional Attendee 1
First Name
Last Name
Additional Attendee 2
First Name
Last Name
Additional Attendee 3
First Name
Last Name
Additional Attendee 4
First Name
Last Name
How many in your group will be sitting with Rodef 2100, including yourself?
Please Select One
Thu, January 30 2025 1 Shevat 5785