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Join a Tent!

We get it. Temple Rodef Shalom is a big place. But, we know how to bring it down to “fun size.” Do you like to take a hike while learning about local history? Do you love watching good films…and then critiquing them with friends? Are you into researching your family genealogy? Do you use the word “aperture” more than once a day? Then, join a Tent – our small groups initiative aimed at gathering together Temple members who enjoy the same interests, hobbies, sports.

Join a terrific tent today!

PLEASE NOTE: All Tents with a red bullet point 🔴 are not currently meeting. All Tents with an asterisk ✳️ are looking for new facilitators to get these groups active again. If you are interested, please email Sierra Pearson.

🔴✳️Cooks Connect
Want to share a creative recipe or need advice on preparing a particular dish? Hungry for new ideas while we're all cooking more at home? Interested in hearing about a new cookbook? Cooks Connect will focus on a different cooking topic at each meeting.

🔴Children of Holocaust Survivors
Second and third-generation survivors (and family members) come together for friendship and to share resources.

🔴✳️Congregational K-9s
This group is for all who love dogs. Join other TRS members for "petworking." No, not work-related, but instead, let's use our pets to meet each other! We can meet at local dog parks, go for a hike, share tips, resources, etc. Let Sharon know if you're interested!

🔴✳️Empowered Educators Join educators from our community to share your experiences. We hope you find friendship and potential ideas to bring back to your classroom (whether it be virtual or in person)!

Environmental Professionals
The TRS Environmental Professionals Tent is open to all members who now work in an environmental job, previously worked in such a job, or are trying to break into the field. Our Tent started in 2017 before the TRS Tent program existed.  We are focused on networking, learning, sharing the challenges in our field, and exploring Jewish environmental texts.  We sometimes share a short Jewish and/or environmental reading via email the week before the meeting. Our Tent is not an advocacy or green action team, although some of our Tent members also participate in that work at TRS. We meet about bimonthly, on Sundays at 10 am.

🔴Fans of The New Yorker
Our writers, essayists, and poets have gone digital! This Tent’s members share their work via email and meet up to compare notes, offer constructive criticism, discuss, brainstorm, and connect.

Got ancestors? Sure you do. Learn more about where and from whom you come. Grow your own family tree with the help of some fellow TRSers who are experienced genealogists.

Grape Expectations
This Tent for wine lovers! We feature a particular varietal, region, or paring. We taste together and have a brief presentation on the wine’s characteristics, history, or general information about the wine makers!

🔴✳️Grow Getters 
Grow Getters is shooting up in popularity!  Join us to share your love for gardening.  We'll discuss garden plans, share our wins and misses, ask questions, and tour each other's gardens.

History Hikers
Do you enjoy taking a walk in interesting places with friends? If so, come join us! Each month we choose a different location in the general area to ramble and explore, such as the Tinner Hill area of Falls Church or Congressional Cemetery. Tent members are invited to give their own informal tour of a place they know and love or to suggest a place they are interested in seeing. Our walks generally last about an hour and cover gentle to moderate terrain: sidewalks or relatively level natural areas with some hills.

Humor Hounds
"An Assemblage of Doggone Comedy Lovers." Join other TRS Members to share jokes (in good taste), discuss the anatomy of humor, tributes to famous comedians, funny experiences and more!

Joyful Grandparenting
Join other grandparents and share tips on connecting with grandkids, talk about our lives, learn about each other, and nurture our friendships.

Judaism and Theology
Curious about ideas of God in Judaism and your personal relationship - or not? Share ideas, readings, and your own stories!

Just the Dads
Just the Dads is a TRS Tent for those identifying as fathers of children in K-6 grades (although fathers of older kids are welcome, too!). Join us for coffee, bagels, and a healthy dose of schmoozing!  

Movement Mavens: Chair Yoga
Chair Yoga with Julie, for all levels, incorporates movement and breathing, as we'll build strength, flexibility, focus, balance, determination, and overall well-being... all seated in a chair. Light weights (water bottles or cans work well) are optional. Standing in some poses is optional, too.

Movement Mavens: Shabbat Yoga
Lynne will lead us while we move, breathe, meditate and chant, while we deeply relax and connect with each other and with the Divine. As we relate to the here and now in class, we refresh ourselves for the coming week. For all levels.

Movies: First You Watch, Then We Talk
Previously known as Reservoir Fellas we are now expanding! Each month members of the group would screen the selected film (on their own) and we would discuss the film at the monthly meeting.

🔴✳️Netflix and Shtisel Join other TRS members to discuss the globally popular Israeli series, Shtisel. The story of this Charedi/Orthodox family in Jerusalem focuses on family issues, drama, and humor.

If you live west or northwest of Tysons Corner and would like to connect with neighbors who are also TRS members, let's get to know each other!  We look forward to a time when we can carpool, meet up for dinner, and hold events out this way!

This Tent is for all photographers and wanna-be photographers! Join us to discuss cameras, photographic equipment, and the joy of taking the “perfect shot.”

Pedal Power
Temple cycling enthusiasts get together to ride, share information, routes, etc.

If you are looking to meet tennis players from TRS who play at your level, join the tennis ladder of the TRS Raqueteers Tent.  Sign up for the singles ladder, or with a partner (any sex) for the doubles ladder.  TRS members may also join the doubles ladder with a non-TRS member or note that you are looking for a doubles partner.  If you are interested, please send your name(s), phone number(s), your ability level (USTA scale or your own words).

🔴✳️Responsible Dinkers Fun-filled Pickleball games for all experience levels! Please let us know if you'd like to participate in future games!


Roll and Rule

This Tent is for traditional gamers who like to roll die, read rules, play board games, and eat pizza with new and old friends who do the same. Join us for a fun evening of games, nosh, and good old fashioned wholesome fun. 

If the unemployed philosopher’s guild had a book group it would be SapienStudy at Temple Rodef Shalom.  We began with Harari’s Sapiens, continued with Diamond’s Guns, Germs, and Steel and will now begin discussing: Liberalism and Its Discontents by Francis Fukuyama.  Classical liberalism is in a state of crisis. Developed in the wake of Europe’s wars over religion and nationalism, liberalism is a system for governing diverse societies, which is grounded in fundamental principles of equality and the rule of law. It emphasizes the rights of individuals to pursue their own forms of happiness free from encroachment by government. 

🔴Social Connections for Young Adults with Disabilities
We are a group interested in enhancing the social connections for the diverse group of differently-abled/disabled young adults in the TRS community. Currently, we have family members who often find that making social connections can be a challenge. Our goals are to increase their social and religious opportunities beyond those from family, friends, and government services, as well as to promote an environment for greater inclusion in traditional TRS activities. 

We welcome families with differently-abled adults, as well as others in the TRS community, who would enjoy sharing a special interest, leading an activity, or being inclusive in some other way. 

We meet virtually the second Monday, of each month, from 7:00PM-8:00PM. If you would like to join our Tent, please send an email to 

🔴✳️Tables About Town
We are food lovers who go to local restaurants to enjoy dining out and friendly conversations. As indoor dining returns and better weather makes the possibility of outdoor dining possible, this Tent is ready to dive back into some adventurous dining!

Tee-rific Golf Buddies
Love to play a round? Join other TRS members to schedule an outing. Maybe try a new course, meet new people, enjoy the day! 

Today in Israel
This Tent focuses on the leading news stories in Israel; we'll share articles and dive deep into modern Israel.

Our theatre lovers will enjoy attending shows together! Due to Covid, this Tent is on hiatus, but please let us know if you would be interested in joining us when it's possible again!

Our writers, essayists, and poets have gone digital! This Tent’s members share their work via email and meet up to compare notes, offer constructive criticism, discuss, brainstorm, and connect.

We look forward to welcoming newcomers to our friendly group, a social event for Temple members who are Widows or Widowers. Our meeting has a casual format where we encourage everyone to introduce and share something unique about themselves, similar to  “Show and Tell.” Everyone has a story, but three-four minutes isn’t very much time, so relax and have fun. 

Women Who Mean Business
The Women Who Mean Business Tent (WWMB) brings together professional women to collaborate and support each other, share our stories, have some laughs, learn, grow, and inspire one another, and celebrate the benefits of women-only networking.  

We welcome women who are members of TRS from the ages of 21 to 101! Whether you’re working in a company, own your own business, consult, volunteer, or have an interest in helping women achieve professional success, we invite you to share your expertise and experiences. We have a lot to learn from each other, in all stages of our professional lives. 

PLEASE NOTE: This is the email address we will use for tents communications.
Please choose as many as you like. PLEASE NOTE: All Tents with an asterisk ✳️ are not currently meeting. All Tents with an red bullet point 🔴 are looking for new facilitators to get these groups active again. If you are interested, please email Sierra Pearson.
Wed, February 12 2025 14 Shevat 5785