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Seder Match 2024

Are you hosting a Seder? Are you looking to be hosted? Let us make a shidduch! 

For those willing and able to host, please let us know if you have a seat(s) at your Seder table for the first or second night of the holiday for a TRS congregant(s).

For those seeking a Seder and a warm community, please let us know how many seats you need and your preference for the first or second night of Passover.

Please use the space “Is there anything else we should know” to briefly describe your Passover experience. For example, “We have a seat at our table for a traditional Passover meal.” “We have a large gathering with many children; pets could be running around.” “Our Seders, while traditional, are short and sweet.” “We have many stairs in the front of the house.”

We will do our best to match you with the perfect Seder(s) for your Passover experience, but we cannot guarantee a match. Also, please expect a call from a Caring Committee member to review the details so everything goes smoothly!

Stefanie Bloom, Director of Caring
Otto Adelman, Clergy & Caring Assistant
The Caring Committee

Thu, May 9 2024 1 Iyyar 5784