Parshat B’shalach: The Sea of Reeds Awaits.... Jump In....
01/22/2024 12:00:49 PM
Rabbi Amy Schwartzman
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This Parasha takes its name from the second word of the Torah portion. B'shalach means "when he sent forth" and refers to Pharaoh's decision to free the Israelites. Led by Moses, they depart from Egypt, but Pharaoh changes his mind and decided to chase after them. When the Israelites see Pharaoh's armies coming after them, they complain to Moses saying that he brought them out of slavery to die in the desert. Moses assures the people that God will redeem them. Indeed they cross the Sea of Reeds safely and rejoice in their new found freedom. But the happiness doesn't last long. Within days the Israelites are complaining about the lack of water and food. Once again God comes through by providing them with "manna," a food source that will sustain them throughout their time in the desert. The end of this parasha tell of the first desert battle. The Amalakites attack the Israelites, but Joshua successfully overpowers their forces.
One of my favorite midrashim comes from within this week's portion. Midrashim are stories that, among other things, fill in the missing details of a story or add depth to characters or additional information to situations we know little about. There is a midrash which paints a richer picture of the moments the Israelites reach the Sea of Reeds. It says that as they approached the sea, everyone was in panic about what to do. The Egyptians were getting closer and closer. Moses was standing off on his own praying to God and all of the people feared for their lives. The story says that it was not because of Moses or God that the Sea parted for the Israelites. Rather one man, Nachshon ben Aminadav, brought about the miracle. With a huge amount of faith, Nachshon walked into the water. He kept walking with the sea raging around him. Finally when the water reached his neck and the people were sure he would drown if he continued, the waters parted.
The midrash teaches us a lesson about faith and risks with this story. Many of us envision Moses raising his staff and parting the waters. This story suggestion that the brave and faithful action of one regular guy was what brought about the miracle at the sea. Most of us will never be a "Moses" but all of can be a "Nachshon." When might we be willing to step into rough waters - even to stay in those waters up to our neck! When might we be willing to take a risk that demonstrates our faith in ourselves, in our mission and even in our God? This story says when you only have one way to go, and the waters are churning in front of you as we know they are in our world today, it is not prayer that you need, but faith and courage to take the plunge.
The Sea of Reeds awaits.... jump in....
Rabbi Amy Schwartzman
Thu, December 19 2024
18 Kislev 5785
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