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Parshat Emor: Exploring Sacred Times

05/15/2024 09:19:32 AM


Rabbi Amy Schwartzman

Parashat Emor contains 63 of the Torah ’s 613 mitzvot, many of which direct us on how to sanctify time. Chapter 23 and 24 of Leviticus deal with the laws of Shabbat, Pesach, Shavuot, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, and Simchat Torah.  In this chapter we learn about not only the when of the Jewish...Read more...

Connecting with the “Yoms” in 2024/5784

05/07/2024 12:18:06 PM


Cantor Sydney Michaeli

Beginning Sunday night, we will begin commemorating Yom HaZikaron, a 24 hour-long period of solemn remembrance, where Israel marks the loss of fallen soldiers and victims of terror attacks. A siren goes off as people step away from their daily lives to stand still- on the side of the...Read more...

Counting the Omer: With Gratitude for My Upcoming Sabbatical

05/01/2024 11:43:26 AM


Rabbi Jeffery Saxe

Since the second day of Passover, we have been in a period of counting the Omer, the seven-weeks between Pesach and Shavuot. Each day, we say a blessing...Read more...

Remembering the Exodus, All the Days of Our Lives

04/24/2024 12:20:08 PM


Rabbi Alexandra Stein 

So, how was your seder? For many of us, the weeks leading up to Passover this year were punctuated by a variety of emotions, including, perhaps, some amount of trepidation. What would our celebrations look like this year? What could they look like this year? Read more...

Looking Out From the Narrow

04/17/2024 11:17:11 AM


Cantor Sydney Michaeli

Passover is one of my favorite holidays, and the seder is one of my favorite Jewish rituals. Each year, we have the opportunity to dramatically recreate our story- we ask big questions, eat crunchy dry Matzah, sing songs, and leave a door open for Elijah. In the Passover Haggadah, we read a phrase that has always inspired me to feel connected to my ancestors. 

בְּכָל־דּוֹר וָדוֹר חַיָּב אָדָם לִרְאוֹת אֶת־עַצְמוֹ כְּאִלּוּ הוּא יָצָא מִמִּצְרַיִםRead more...

Parashat Tazria

04/09/2024 04:57:59 PM


Rabbi Amy Schwartzman

This week and next week we will read from two of the most "unattractive" Torah portions. Tazria and Metzorah (often linked together on the same week) present the rituals of purification for women after childbirth and the methods for diagnosing and treating skin diseases. Attention is also given to the...Read more...

6 Months into Our Mourning

04/03/2024 09:23:46 AM


Cantor Michael Shochet

We each mourn in different ways. Some get very emotional. Others are silent. And others find ways to occupy themselves through work or other activity. I’m not going to suggest that there is a right or wrong way to mourn. Psychologists may tell you one thing; clergy may tell you another. I believe that ritual...Read more...

Tzav: Drawing Nearer to Each Other In Times of Loss and Change

03/27/2024 01:04:00 PM


Rabbi Alexandra Stein

What do you do when you are living in a world you don’t recognize, with challenges you never imagined facing? What do you do when within your own community (or communities), there is immense hurt and pain? What if this hurt and pain sometimes seems to divide rather than unite, as many people navigate...Read more...

Parshat Vayikra: A Sacred Gathering Space

03/20/2024 09:23:09 AM


Rabbi Jeff Saxe

In this week’s portion, the first in the book of Vayikra or Leviticus, the people have just completed construction of the Tabernacle, the portable sanctuary they will carry with them throughout their wanderings. Now God’s presence, which has already been manifest through the pillar of cloud that leads the...Read more...

Kodesh l’Adonai

03/12/2024 01:40:10 PM


Cantor Sydney Michaeli

In this week's Torah portion, Parashat P'kudei, we read the final story in the book of Exodus. This Torah lays out, in vivid detail, the description of the plans for the Mishkan, or the Tabernacle, and the designs of the garments that will be worn by the priests. Nothing will be spared for this holy...Read more...

Parashat Vayakhel – Gathering in Israel

03/06/2024 09:32:12 AM


Rabbi Amy Schwartzman

In this week’s Torah portion the Israelites Vayakhel - gather to create their sacred physical space, the Tabernacle or Tent of Meeting which they carried through the desert on their way to Land of Israel. Just a short time ago, I returned from another experience of gathering for a...Read more...

Are you a Taker or a Giver?

02/27/2024 10:14:14 AM


Cantor Michael Shochet

You don’t have to go very far in this week’s Torah portion to think about how this portion, Ki Tisa, from Exodus 30-11-34:35 can influence our lives. It’s actually right there in the title: “Ki Tisa,” or “When you take” as the text starts out talking about the contribution that people need...Read more...

Parshat Tetzaveh: Sharing Our Sacred Spaces

02/19/2024 10:25:56 AM


Rabbi Jeff Saxe

This week we read in the Torah the instructions for the ordination of the priests, as well as the clothing they will wear when they perform their duties. The splendor of the clothing is striking, including a “breastplate of judgment” and a crown inscribed with the words, “Holy to the Lord,” both...Read more...

Parshat Terumah

02/14/2024 11:17:06 AM


Rabbi Alexandra Stein

This week’s Torah portion, Terumah, has the neat qualification of being one of the Torah portions that is most-frequently-quoted on the walls of our building. In Terumah, the Israelites receive instructions for building the Mishkan, a portable worship space in the desert. One...Read more...

We Will Do: Joining Our Voices In Song!  

02/05/2024 11:31:29 AM


Cantor Sydney Michaeli

In our parashah this week, Mishpatim, we move from our narrative Exodus story to hearing about the laws that outline how the Israelites should live and create their community. Chapter 24, verse 3 of Exodus reads: “Moses went and repeated to the people all the commands of God and all the rules; and...Read more...

Na’aseh v’Nishmah: We Will Do and We Will Listen

01/31/2024 08:38:33 AM


Cantor Michael Shochet

If someone said to you, “jump!” some of you might say, “how high?” while probably more of you would say, “why?!” Doing something without question is what the Israelites say they will do at the end of this week’s Torah portion, Yitro. Now, this is a big Torah portion. It’s the Torah portion when...Read more...

Parshat B’shalach: The Sea of Reeds Awaits.... Jump In....

01/22/2024 12:00:49 PM


Rabbi Amy Schwartzman

This Parasha takes its name from the second word of the Torah portion. B'shalach means "when he sent forth" and refers to Pharaoh's decision to free the Israelites. Led by Moses, they depart from Egypt, but Pharaoh changes his mind and decided to chase after them. When the Israelites see Pharaoh's armies...Read more...

Parshat Bo: The Antidote for a Hardened Heart

01/17/2024 12:37:48 PM


Rabbi Jeffrey Saxe

We are all focused on the events of the past three months in Israel and Gaza. We continue to do everything we can to help the many victims of this conflict and the many whose lives are threatened. Click here for ways to give and here to join the TRS members helping set up for this...Read more...

Va’era: Holding Many Stories, and Many Names

01/10/2024 12:11:52 PM


Rabbi Alexandra Stein

Do I contradict myself?/ Very well then, I contradict myself./ (I am large, I contain multitudes.) — Walt Whitman, “Song of Myself”

This week’s Torah portion, Va’era (literally, “and I appeared”), opens with an auspicious act of self-revelation:

“God spoke to Moses and said...

The Meaning of Memory

01/03/2024 01:48:53 PM


Cantor Sydney Michaeli

Though it seems like just moments ago Joseph, son of Israel, had saved the entirety of the Egyptian population from famine, in the opening verses of the first chapter of Exodus, we learn that some years went by, a new king arose, and all of Joseph’s good deeds were forgotten. The Israelites had grown too...Read more...

The Promise of the New Year

12/26/2023 08:05:02 PM


Cantor Michael Shochet

As 2023 (happily) comes to a close, our first Book of the Torah, Genesis, also comes to a close this week with Parashat Vayechi. The name of the portion means “And he lived.” It is the story of the final years of Jacob’s life, the blessings that he bestows to his sons, assigning each one a role in the...Read more...

Mikeitz and Chanukah: The Key to Joseph’s Success

12/12/2023 01:08:42 PM


Rabbi Jeffrey Saxe

Parshat Mikeitz places us just before the climax of the Joseph story. He is viceroy of Egypt, and his brothers have come to him (not knowing his identity) seeking relief from the famine. He toys with them in this portion and weighs his options, until – next week – he finally decides to forgive them and...Read more...

Together We Shine Bright

12/06/2023 10:51:21 AM


Rabbi Alexandra Stein

Over the past few weeks, I’ve become an avid listener of “All There Is,” Anderson Cooper’s excellent podcast about navigating grief. Now in its second season, the podcast features a variety of conversations between Cooper and others who have experienced loss (and sometimes, who also spend their...Read more...

Israel, the One Who Wrestles with God

11/29/2023 10:12:39 AM


Cantor Sydney Michaeli

In this week’s parasha, Vayishlach, after wrestling alone till dawn with an angel, or Divine figure, Jacob asks the being for a blessing. In response, the angel asks him for his name, then says in response:

לֹ֤א יַעֲקֹב֙ יֵאָמֵ֥ר עוֹד֙...

Eastern Europe and Israel

11/21/2023 10:42:36 AM


Cantor Michael Shochet

Happy Thanksgiving and almost Shabbat Shalom everyone,

This e-letter had to go out early this week because of the holiday, so as I’m writing this, negotiations are still in process to free some of the Israeli hostages held by the Hamas terrorists. My hope and prayer for this Shabbat is that at...Read more...

Reflections from Europe Trip

11/15/2023 12:09:33 PM


Rabbi Amy Schwartzman

Dear Friends,

I have just returned from Poland, where over 70 members of the Temple community traveled together in Warsaw, Krakow, Vienna, and Budapest. Some of the group began with a pre-trip in Berlin. Others stayed longer touring Prague.

This was one of the most difficult weeks of...

A Message from the Clergy Team

11/08/2023 08:17:44 AM


Clergy Team

Dear Friends,

We are writing to offer you our support. It has been almost five weeks since the October 7 attack on Israel. The situation in Israel and Gaza - the massacre on...Read more...

The Opening of Our Tent

11/01/2023 10:41:10 AM


Cantor Sydney Michaeli

Have you ever spent time in the desert? Maybe you were in the Negev in Israel, or the Mojave in California. Maybe you haven’t been in a desert, but you can certainly picture it. It’s hot, the sand stretches for miles, and shade is nowhere to be found. Maybe you’ve been somewhere else in the...Read more...

Lech L’cha: On Being A Blessing (at TRS and Beyond)

10/25/2023 10:47:31 AM


Rabbi Alexandra Stein

This week’s Torah portion, Lech L’cha, contains a famous promise from God to Abram (soon to be Abraham): Go forth, from your land, your homeland, and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. And I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, and I will make your name great, and you...Read more...

A Sliver of Light: Noah's Ark

10/17/2023 02:40:46 PM


Cantor Sydney Michaeli

This week we read the famous story of Noah and his ark. With my husband’s name being Noah, we have many ark-themed items around the house, and a smile always comes to my face when we reach this time in Torah. This story is often portrayed as a sweet children’s tale, with an array of adorable animals,...Read more...

Mon, May 20 2024 12 Iyyar 5784